Commencement exercises
May 08, 2023
Along with the conferring of degrees at Commencement exercises, Richard Reeves was named the recipient of Cowley College’s Outstanding Tiger Alumni Award.
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January 25, 2023
After more than 25 years of dedicated service to the Cowley College Foundation, Joyce McArtor announced her decision to step down as a member of the Foundation Board.
cornhole tournament
September 14, 2022
The inaugural Play for Paramedics Cornhole Tournament benefitting a new paramedic scholarship at Cowley College was held the summer at this Broadway Sports Complex.
promo poster
August 23, 2022
In honor of former Cowley College golfer Brian Groves, the 27th annual Tiger Skins/Brian Groves Memorial Golf Tournament was held Saturday, August 20, at Ark City Golf & Fitness.
Maci Cole
August 22, 2022
In honor of former Cowley College golfer Brian Groves, Cowley College sophomore Maci Cole was named this year’s Brian Groves Memorial Scholarship recipient.
Erin Thompson playing volleyball
August 15, 2022
Keith and Tracy Thompson recently donated $50,000 to the Cowley College Foundation to be used for endowed scholarships.
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August 01, 2022
The Cowley College Foundation secured just over $1 million in charitable gifts during the fiscal year that ended June 30, capping its most successful year ever.
Glen and Lisa Virden
April 08, 2022
Cowley College graduates Glen and Lisa Virden were recently named the recipients of Cowley College’s Outstanding Tiger Alumni Award.
donation from the Anne Maurine Marnix Living Trust
October 01, 2021
The Cowley College Foundation was generously gifted a $150,648.91 donation from the Anne Maurine Marnix Living Trust.
donation of the JoAnn Newman Trust
August 09, 2021
Through the generous donation of the JoAnn Newman Trust, the Cowley College Foundation is the recipient of $387,438.80 to establish Endowed Scholarships in memoriam of Mrs. Newman.